Sunday 20 June 2010

Visual Counterpoint

For some time now I have been following a blog by Liz called which is called Visual Counterpoint and can be found at She has written some very impressive words and posted some wonderful pictures which have left me in awe.

However today she has a particularly bad day and I would encourage you to drop by and offer her some support and read some of her entries.



Ally Lifewithally said...

Hi Andy trying to contact but having no luc k at the moment will try later ~ Ally x

Jeanie said...

Hello Andy

Thanks for the heads up on your friends Blog. I have left a message with her but sadly she has stopped writing for now. I hope she stays well and comes back soon. She has a wonderful talent for prose.
Hope you are keeping 'hunky dorey' yourself?
Jeanie x

Odds Bodkins. said...

Hi Andy, Like Ally, I'm not having much luck accessing the blog but I'll try again later.


Liz said...

Thank you Andy for your support.
My journal should be available to anyone who wants to read it.
The fact that I find myself unable to add any more to it at the moment should not remove the ability for anyone to read past entries.
But since I have been unable to receive comments via AOL it does not surprise me that others cannot read what I write.
This media consistently fails to live up to even my miserable expectations.

ADB said...

Correct link is: Thanks Andy for highlighting Liz
